Long days...

Whew... today has been a long day. Elijah slept great last night - and so did I. I woke up feeling so rested. I actually got 7 hours of sleep last night and felt so great this morning. I was feeling super motivated too.

Elijah and I woke up about 7:00 this morning. He never did go back to sleep after he ate. I thought he'd go to sleep after after the next feeding. Nope. Still didn't. Well... okay, I take that back. He would fall asleep. I would put him down, and within 20 minutes he'd be awake. I tried everything. Patting him, giving him his binky back, etc. Everything. He'd end up crying his little eyes out. I'm not sure if he wasn't feeling well or what the deal was. I felt bad - bad for me, bad for him.

I did have a relatively productive day in spite of it. I was able to get ALL the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away. I had also wanted to get the floors all swept and mopped as well as the bathrooms cleaned. I didn't get that done, but I was able to get a bunch of other things done. I won't complain. My main concern was my little fussy man.

He gave me quite a scare too. I was holding/rocking him and his pacifier fell out. There was dried blood around his mouth and on his pacifier. Talk about my heart stopping! He has tiny little blisters on his bottom lip from nursing. The only thing I could figure out is that one of those blisters started bleeding. There didn't seem to be any blood on the inside of his mouth, and I couldn't see any fresh blood - it was just dried blood. He's not had any more since then.

I'm excited to see so many coming over and trying out blogger. I don't know how the others are liking it, but I'm pretty sure I'm finished with 360. This is SO much easier. Don't get me wrong... I still check 360 and read, but I've given up on trying to comment. To much frustration to mess with it.
Well... I'm headed to the tub and then to bed. I've got another long day tomorrow - but for completely different reasons. I have a car appointment (tires rotated, balanced, etc) and a chiropractor appointment.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like things are going good. You need to post some pictures of Elijah and his daddy or some of you and him as well!
SimplyME said…
I remember when mine were that little. They had little blisters too from nursing so hard. It is scary when you see the blood and don't know what it's from. Nice to hear YOU got some sleep though. Hope tonight is more of the same. Can't believe how much Elijah has filled out already. HE is sooo adorable, makes you want to just eat him up..lol! Sounds like your being a super mommy..but don't work yourself to hard and make your self to tired. Take care and God Bless you
Amber O said…
Wow, I think you got more accomplished with a fussy baby today then I did without any kiddos...
Hope you get more rest tonight!
Megalamode said…
Glad you got some sleep! Maybe he's falling into a groove. I did it wrong with Rory and I am looking forward to doing it differently with my next child and getting some SLEEP!!!
Lori Medlin said…
So glad you got some rest!! And it sounds like you got alot acomplished! I love days that I feel motivated! I get soooo much more done! I love all the pics your posting of him!! I have "stole" most of them!:>)
Anonymous said…
He's doing great, sleeping that long! My kids never had blisters like that. I don't think I've even heard of it til now. The skin on their lips would peel and look kinda nasty - you want to pull it off, but not supposed to touch it - it eventually falls off.... then more comes. After about a month, it's fine. Maybe that means Elijah's will start getting better now that he's about a month old :)
Sylvia P said…
So glad you got a goos nights sleep! Hugs to your little man! I love all the pictures you are posting of him!

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