Clothing Inventory
Thank you God! He helped me get quite a bit accomplished this afternoon. Including the clothes folded and inventoried. Here's what I got for $25:
Size: 24 months/2T
Size: 18 month
Size: 12 month
Not bad, huh?
Size: 24 months/2T
- 8 pair of jeans
- 12 shirts
- 5 jackets
- 5 pr of pants (wind pants/khaki/etc)
Size: 18 month
- 4 pair of jeans
- 8 shirts
- 1 jacket
- 1 pr of shorts
- 1 pr of bib overalls
- 3 pr of misc pants
- 1 camo outfit
Size: 12 month
- 1 pr of jeans
- 1 shirt
- 1 vest
- 2 6-9 month shirts
- 1 6-9 month overall (dressy)
- 2 pr 3T jeans
- 1 3T shirt
Not bad, huh?