Precious Memories
One of the things I LOVE about my iPhone is having a camera available at all times. It seems I'm constantly recording videos and taking pictures. The other day I was going through old pictures and thinking to myself "I hope I can always remember the stories behind the photo's". Considering that I have trouble remembering what happened yesterday, it seems highly unlikely that I'll remember in a year or two... or three... let alone 50 years. I decided to use my blog to record a few of the precious memories...
Now this means that my blog post may have a lot of photos. To save space I'll be posting the pictures as small as I can. You can enlarge them by clicking on them.
This morning the boys were playing together so nicely with the LEGO's and wagon. It made this Momma's heart proud to see them sharing and enjoying each other. They usually play separately, mostly due to their age difference. That made it even nicer to see them playing together. Gabe was "talking" quite a lot, Elijah was just listening.
Elijah saw a giraffe on the side of the LEGO wagon and decided to try to copy it. This is the finished product. He was pretty proud. I helped him a little, but over all, he completed it on his own. He has quite an imagination!
The local library hosted their annual visit from Sedgwick County Zoo. They brought several animals, including Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (GAG!), two snakes, a huge frog, and some kind of large lizard. It was very interesting and Elijah enjoyed it so much. When he first saw the snake, he said he would NOT touch it. Turns out, that was the first thing he headed to. Curiosity had gotten the better of him. He did touch it, but apparently, I didn't get a picture of the actual "touch".
After the library adventure, we headed to McDonald's. Gabriel has enjoyed a few McD fries, but today was the first day he had tried chicken nuggets. He loved them. Not that I'm surprised. The kid will eat anything... in large quantities!
Today has been a good day for making memories. All the kids, including Little Lady, are sleeping. There is peace and quiet for the moment.
Elijah loves tape. I don't know how or what started this fascination with tape, but I have to watch him. He is constantly taping things together. He's taped a "scope" (aka a flute) to his shotgun. He's taped a strap on his guitar. He actually gets pretty creative with tape. Tuesday he walked around looking for something to tape. He finally come up to me and mumbled that he'd found the perfect place to put his piece of tape. I couldn't help but agree with him. Haha!
I made burrito's for dinner. Gabriel loved them. He ate most of one whole burrito! Elijah ate three. I do not even want to think about the grocery bill for two teenage boys. I might need to start saving for it now.
(Edit: this picture was taken after he'd finished eating. He went straight to the bathtub. Please ignore the windblown momma in the background. Bleh!)