So much for a "Quite, relaxing, Saturday"
Let's see, Chris (mostly Chris) and I packed away three deer he shot this week. Our freezer is full and well stocked for the winter and a good portion of next year. With the current price of beef, I'm thankful for that meat. That was the biggest part of our day (about 6 hours). I also cleaned as much as I could. We went to church and cleaned there too...
And poor Elijah, I don't think he was feeling well. I'm really not sure if he was sick or just plain ol' wore out. He slept very little yesterday and was sooooo fussy. I spent a lot of time taking care of him. I don't know what his deal was, but I hope he's better today. Let's see... he's now been sleeping 11.5 hours. Straight. No, he's not woke up to eat, cry, fuss, etc. I know he was exhausted.
When we went to clean the church, he fell asleep on the way there, but promptly woke up on arrival. He cried, hard. Chris had brought along his chainsaw to take care of a dead tree that had fallen on the church property. When he finished, he came in and entertained Elijah so I could finish cleaning. Here's part of the entertainment:
Chris probably won't be to thrilled with me sharing this video but it's just so cute that I had to! I know Chris is really hoping Elijah follows in Daddy's drumming footsteps. I'm hoping so too...
Well, I hope ya'll are ready for Christmas... it's only 4 days away and YES! Santa is coming to town.... Isn't he about the cutest little Santa ya ever did see??? I love this picture of Elijah. It shows his big blue eyes and gee... he just looks so innocent and cute. He'll hate me someday for dressing him that way. But... I think he'll forgive me eventually. I finally found a Christmas blanket for him too. I was looking for one, but wasn't about to pay $10 for a stupid blanket that he'll use for only a little part of each year. I finally found one for $4! Yehaw! It's green (not the cutest green) with red whipstich trim. There's a teddy bear with a present embroidered on the corner. With that blanket, the hat, the red stiped Santa socks, my little boy will be quite the fashion plate accident, but oh well. His cute face and personality will make up for Mommy's lack of fashion discretion! LOL
I'm trying to blog more often, but this week won't be a good week to work on that. You see Christmas IS only 4 days away and *gasp* I still have several gifts to wrap AND *fainting* one more gift certificate to buy!!! To top it all off, I need to pack Monday night because Tuesday we'll be leaving for Mom's (if the weather cooperates). So...
Love and blessings to you all!