Giving Thanks
Over on Facebook, a lot of my friends have been listing something they're thankful for each day of November. Believe it or not, there have been critics who post that "we should be thankful all year long" and openly refuse to participate. Yes, it's true. We should be thankful every day of our lives. I agree and try to practice thanksgiving all year long. But think about it... the very history of Thanksgiving is when the Pilgrims set aside a specific time to express their gratitude to their Heavenly Father. Here are a few things I've listed that I am grateful for:
Our home - I am thankful for a cozy home. We've made so many memories inside these four walls. I'm grateful for the hard work Chris put into this house to make it HOME.
I'm thankful for Chris. My sweetheart. My BFF. God has blessed me with a Godly husband who is also a wonderful Daddy to both our boys.

Godly parents - who in the toughest battles of their lives, have kept God first and trusted Him explicitly. They are an wonderful example of Christians and parents.
I'm beyond blessed when it comes to material things... I sometimes think of all our stuff as "clutter" but the truth is, if I've ever needed anything, God has provided my needs. And my wants too.
Second hand clothing. Wow. I have been blessed to have a wonderful neighbor who passes on her son's clothing to me. She buys quality clothing and lots of it. Then passes them on to me at a fraction of the price. If I took the same fifty bucks to Wal-Mart - or even a consignment store, my boys would have very little clothing. As it is, their closets are overflowing. I've also been blessed with two wonderful sister-in-laws who pass on their boys clothing. I know there are people who have issues with second hand clothing, but I'm extremely grateful. We've saved hundreds - maybe thousands - of dollars!
Sundays. One of my favorite days of the week. A time to worship my Father. A time to rest (sorta!). A time to fellowship. And of course, football.
I think it's very appropriate that Veterans Day falls in November. I am so thankful for those who've given service to our country. Their sacrifices humble me. Who am I that they would fight for my freedom, my country, and my life?
Food. Aren't we all thankful for food? And I'm thankful for November sales. I love to stock my freezer full of cheap food.
Deer meat - not the cheapest food in the world, but seriously... I am thankful to have added 77.5 pounds of fresh deer meat to our freezer. That will feed our family all year long.
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Opening morning's harvest - including a 9 point buck! |
And while we're on deer... I'm thankful for Elijah. He's a sweet lil 5 year old who absolutely loves to help with the deer. He is such an example to me. He patiently waited nearly two hours for us to have meat ready to grind. When he finished grinding, he immediately started helping me weigh the meat for bagging. The whole time he was singing and being silly... Making the whole job a lot more fun!! I was sad to see him go to bed (an hour and a half late because he begged to keep helping!). This is the boy that made me Mommy for the first time. He's brought so much joy to our lives. I love this boy!
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Our lil helper! |
The universe... our Creator has such a vast imagination. I know my personal world is very small. When I stop and think about all the amazing things God created, it really blows me away. I'm so humbled by His creation. Stars are just one thing that completely overwhelm me.
Gabriel. Our little unplanned surprise. What would I do without that little man? Today, I dressed him tiny jeans. As he walked away in those little big boy pants, I was struck with awe over God's amazing plan to bless me with such a sweet baby. What first seemed like such a shock has become one of our life's greatest blessings - in more ways than one.
There are so many more things I'm thankful for. This time of deliberate reflection on things I might have otherwise taken for granted has been good for me. I must be one of the most blessed people on this earth.