Insurance can be so frustrating...

*gasp*  I know, I can't believe I just typed those words!  10 years ago, it wouldn't have been a surprise!  But now that I have worked in insurance this long, I pretty well understand insurance, I don't get frustrated by insurance much at all.

Here's the deal.  Our group health insurance premium, for spouses only, went up $140/month!  That's $70+/paycheck for me.  While that may not seem like a whole lot, for Chris and I, it's a chunk.  I had already been considering finding another, individual, plan for Chris.  I called the agent who so graciously handle's Elijah's medical coverage.  He helped me locate a couple of plans.

Guess what.  Here we are 3:00 on 12/30/10 and I still don't have an answer regarding Chris' new plan.  One company wouldn't even underwrite - they just flat refused him.  The second company must be underwriting him because they're asking for more information, medical records, etc.  Then I got the call from HR saying I had to take Chris off the group plan today or else I was stuck in it until 1/1/12.  No changes can be made unless it is a life changing event (marriage/death/childbirth/adoption).  I know what Chris' response would be: CANCEL! 

I prayed about making the right decision because I had to make it now.  This song came to mind:

"My hope is in the Lord
From this time on and forever more
Oh, my hope is in the Lord
Forever more."

I cancelled the group plan.  I'm putting my hope and trust in the Lord that the rest will work itself out.


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