Big boy Gabriel trying out his "new" bed! |
How on earth did we get to this day? Gabriel should still be my "baby". I know I still think of him as my baby. I'm sure I always will... But he will be two in three weeks and I must face this reality... he's not a baby anymore. Technically, he's a toddler. Even though he will always be my baby.

And so, because he's growing, yesterday we decided to give the toddler bed a try. Daddy brought the bed down from our attic space. Gabriel was excited as soon as he saw the "truck" on this bed. (At this point, he could care less about the fact that it's actually Lightning McQueen on his bed.) As soon as he had his bath, he was ready for bed. He's always been good about going to bed, and last night was no different. He slept like the baby that he is in the big boy bed. He did come to my room once through the night, about 1 AM. I heard the pitter-patter of lil feet, running through the dining room, into my room. He'd gotten cold and needed Mommy to make it all better. So after a short cuddle, he went right back to sleep in his own bed...
Yes, the crib is disassembled for the final time. Such a bittersweet development. There are those who believe we need a little girl, but I'm satisfied with our two boys. Unless God changes our plans for us, Gabriel is our last baby. I guess I need to think about selling the crib... I'll get right on that... maybe.

I'm so thankful for the relationship my boys share. Elijah was just as excited about Gabriel's "new" bed and was so sure they could sleep together in the toddler bed. Ha. They're best friends - even though they still act like brothers from time to time. For example, this morning Elijah brought Gabriel a ball cap to wear... put it on Gabriel too low, then immediately proceeds to try to hit the hat off Gabriel's head. Seriously? C'mon Elijah!!! They tend to be a bit competitive... but I think it's a healthy type of competition. My prayer is that they will continue to be best friends and that their relationship will carry them through their whole life. There's nothing like a sibling's love and friendship.