Week 8

I cannot believe 8 weeks have already passed since Gabriel joined our lives.  He's been such a joy and blessing.  I'm already seeing him going longer between feedings.  He's now in size 2 diapers.  He smiles and coos in response to our talking to him.  He is just so stinkin' sweet!  I love kissing his chubby lil' cheeks and chin.

I'd intended to blog about the changes in our lives on (at least) a weekly basis.  But here it's been 8 weeks and I've blogged once? twice?  I must do better!  I want to treasure these days because I know they'll pass forever.

I'm loving being a stay at home mom.  It amazes me how quickly the days pass.  I seriously think they go by quicker now than when I was working.  It's unbelievable! It seems I should have all this extra time, but ha! What's extra time?  I was sure that I'd get my work done for the day and have the evenings and weekends to chill with my boys.  Ha!  I find myself doing nearly as much on the weekends and evenings as I did when I was working.  It's nice to have the extra support of Daddy while I'm cleaning like a crazy lady. :-)  I've made time for a few extra projects, but not like I'd hoped!

Financially God has blessed us incredibly.  No, we're not rolling in dough, but all our bills are paid.  Plus, when in drought, the lawns Chris mows weekly had dried up.  We were thinking we would have to do without that extra money when suddenly Chris got orders for multiple garage door installations and repairs.  Yep, the extra money we though we were giving up.  Then, when the garage door orders ran out, it rained!  Enough to make the grass grow and need mowed again!  Isn't God good?  I could never praise Him enough for all He's done.

Elijah has adjusted well to having a big brother.  He gets a little rough at times.  We have to watch him like a hawk.  I decided to try changing tactics.  He loves to 'help' with anything we're doing.  Today I talked to him about Mommy needing a helper.  Someone to put Gabe's pacifier back in his mouth when he started crying... or someone to gently rock Gabe's seat... BUT, that helper must be someone that was gentle with Gabe.  He loves to help and promised he could handle it.  I hope it works!  So far he's done super well today!

Chris is an incredible husband and father.  I love him so much and appreciate all the sacrifices he's made so I can be at home. He works so hard and still comes home and spends time with us.  His love language is "Acts of Service"; it's apparent by his daily service for us.  He hurt his foot terribly right before Gabe was born, which means all his extra work is done on that hurt foot.  I'm believing God will heal his foot completely. 

A couple weeks ago Chris and Elijah went "camping" in the back yard.  Elijah was SO excited!  Here's a pic - check out the excitement on Elijah's sweet face:

I should get off here and get dinner started.  Gabriel will be waking up any time needing to eat... probably about the time I get right in the middle of cooking!


Megalamode said…
Loved reading this update. :) I'm so happy that you're enjoying your time and that Elijah is enjoying being a helper. Also, your pic of "camping" doesn't show on my end.

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