7 months old...

Elijah will be 7 months old tomorrow. Once again, the magnitude of how quickly his life is moving is hitting me like a ton of bricks. When I realized he would, in fact, be 7 months old tomorrow, I wanted to sit down and cry. Instead, I grabbed my camera and we rolled around on the floor taking pictures. He wanted to eat the camera and was totally fascinated by the flash that kept going off... I don't think I got any spectacular photos, but the memories we created will be forever in my mind.

Elijah is teething for sure... his poor little gums have been quite swollen the past couple days. He won't let me get a good look at them and I'm so terrible at trying to 'feel' his gums. I end up making Elijah upset. He took a long nap this evening and when he woke up was all smiles and laughter. I had been surfing the 'net, but realized this was definetely one of those times I wanted to enjoy my time with him. Blogger and Facebook doesn't have anything that could compare with the smell of my freshly bathed baby... who was giggles and coos... with lots of 'kisses' too.

Elijah is quite good at army crawling. He still hasn't figured out that he can crawl to Momma who happens to be across the room. He just sits and cries to get my attention. Someday he's going to figure out he can follow Mommy around...

He's also figuring out how to pull up. He's not figured out how to get his feet under him, but he is starting to understand pulling up on things. Yesterday I walked in his room when he was supposed to be going to sleep. There he was, pulled up into a kneeling position up against the side of the crib. I ran for the camera, but he was already down by the time I got back in the room. Tonight, as I was changing his diaper, he tried pulling up using the window sill. (I have always kept a couple toys for him to chew on and play with during diaper changes on the window sill) He knows what's up there and was pulling up to get closer to the toys. I just watched in amazement. Where is my little baby?

Chris and the guys at church are working on another project. They're installing a new sign in the church yard and prepping for paint. This weekend is the big day to paint the exterior. We're using the same color (white) but this is the first exterior paint our little building has seen in years, and years, and years. Our little church building is so tiny, but it has character and we've made some HUGE improvements over the past five years. God has blessed us.

I hope to blog soon about my latest garage sale deals...


Anonymous said…
It's good that you wanna take picsssssss of Elijah as you all will enjoy it lateron when he's older. Enjoy 'your free time' now that he's not standing and walking yet. Can't believe that he alreadyhas entered his 7th month, Hannah.
Anonymous said…
It is incredible that he is already 7 months old. I try real hard to not think about the fact that Eli turns 1 next month. Elijah is so adorable and I know you guys are enjoying your time with him.

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